People can also call our information and support line, Cancer Council 13 11 20, which is staffed by experienced cancer nurses who are available to provide information to people affected by cancer, including family and friends.
Our nurses can:
- Access an extensive range of free cancer information, support services and resources for callers.
- Help people make well-informed decisions about cancer.
- Assist people to formulate questions they can take back to their doctors.
- Offer compassion and emotional support to people adjusting to their cancer experience.
- Provide practical advice about how to access a range of local and regional services including financial and legal.
Call 13 11 20, 9.00am – 5.00pm (Monday to Friday) to speak with an experienced cancer nurse. is an ethically-approved online database for consumer–driven information collection for rare cancers and rare subtypes of common cancers. CART-WHEEL is inviting people from all over the world to submit information about their particular cancers so that researchers can develop new insights into these understudied conditions.
A common reflection of patients coping with a rare form of cancer is that they feel isolated and alone and that they are being left to deal with the disease without the necessary support, knowledge and treatments they need. Almost 50% of all cancer diagnoses (55,000 per annum) are for rare and less common cancers whilst they account for well over 50% of all cancer related deaths. Rare Cancers Australia believe that improved awareness and better education of the public and health care professionals in combination with easier and faster access to the latest treatments can provide significantly better experiences and outcomes for those diagnosed with a rare cancer and their families.
Kidney Health Australia is the national peak health care charity working to save and improve the lives of Australians affected by kidney disease. The Kidney Cancer Project delivers education, advocacy, resources and support to those affected by a kidney cancer diagnosis as well as working collaboratively with relevant healthcare professionals and other kidney cancer groups around the world.
Each blood cancer subtype is a rare cancer. The Leukaemia Foundation is Australia’s peak body for blood cancer, funding research and providing practical and emotional support for people with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, MDS, MPN and related blood disorders, and their families. As well, the Foundation raises awareness of the impact of blood cancer within the community and advocates for health policy changes.
PANCARE Foundation is an organisation dedicated to advancing awareness and research into the management of pancreas, liver, biliary and foregut cancers, and supporting patients affected by such cancers. Progress into the treatment of these cancers is dependent on the community made up of researchers, healthcare professionals, volunteers, survivors and donors.
Peace of Mind Foundation exists to improve quality of life for brain cancer patients and their families by providing financial, emotional and practical support. They understand the continuous demand of everyday responsibilities, plus ongoing financial commitments still need to be met even during this time of crisis. Peace of Mind Foundation was created to help alleviate these everyday stresses by supplying not just monetary assistance but also hands on help at home, in hospital and throughout the whole journey.